Amazon is here to stay and now they even sell violins. So whats an Amazon violin like, well look you absolutely get what you pay for . Here is my review of violins on Amazon.
Amazon is here to stay and now they even sell violins. So whats an Amazon violin like, well look you absolutely get what you pay for .
See inside a $99 violin review to see what you are getting. Esentially Amazon is a marketplace like ebay – where I also looked for violins often you see the same instruments advertised in both places. My suggestion buy one from a bricks and mortar store, otherwise by the time you bring your instrument to me you wil find out just how much work it needs to be playable. The great thing about Amazon is the returns policy so if you have already bought one you can return it and then come see someone or evenme for a violin. Heres my little video where I go through a few Amazon instruments.