Some links to things I like and have found useful, I have no affiliation/financial relationship with any of them. Also head on over to My Village for loads of local links
TwoSet Violin Youtube : A comedic classical violin Duo out of Qld
Christian Howes Play along series : He also has online courses for those wanting to go beyond classical and Jam with his Creative Strings Academy
Berklee music courses on Coursera : Bone up on your musical theory, the courses are free or pay a few $$$ to get a certificate
Julia’s Violinspiration: For the absolute beginner wanting to learn online, free stuff and online course
Violin String review : A crowd sourced everything you wanted to know about violin strings
Fiddlerman from the US based Fiddlershop : Online tips and loads of pieces and classical resources like Sevik too
Chris Haigh: Fiddling Around is where Chris explores nearly every genre of violin (outside of classical). He has released several books that are truely excellent (Jazz, Blues, Rock, improv, fiddle styles) complete how to with examples and extensive audio tracks.
Simon Fischer: A well known violin pedagogue (learning about learning) he has serveral books about self teaching the violin well worth the hefty price tag (about the same as a 1 hour violin lesson). The violin lesson got me thinking about why I do what I do on the violin..incredable!
Animato Strings : Special focus on European instruments, has luthiers and entry level instruments as well. Terrific personal service from Dietrich a former professional European player. Near Gateway bridge northside
Simply for Strings : Targeted at the schools market, lovely store in an old church, Red Hill
Violin Studio : Olaf was trained by his father in luthering and does lots of high end work from his Dutton park workshop
John Simmers : Trained viola at the Brisbane Con, then trained as a luthier in the UK. His instruments have won major awards.
Chordify : Play along with a chord sheet to your favorite song, integrates chord with youtube songs
Spotify: My play list of violins in bands you might enjoy
Musescore : Free music writing software and loads of crowd sourced/written scores, they can be audio played. Its a Freemium product