Here’s my music village in Mansfield, Mt. Gravatt and beyond. More to come…

Luthiers and Craftsmen
David Brown :Violin & Shakuhachi maker (and also my Aikido teacher). Not local, being in rural Victoria but definitely my village elder!
Dwight at DRW Custom Guitars is Brisbanes “Guitar Whisperer” and literally around the corner from me.
Mt. Gravatt Men’s Shed: Our areas own community of expert and amateur craftsman and musos alike . An awesome group to jam with and refine my wood working skills.
Paul @ BPLaser for laser cutting, 3D printing and other cool stuff. When I need to make a custom tool, he’s at the end of my street.

Grant Arnold: A wonderful piano teacher and composer, just around the corner from me. Some of his compositions appear in the AMEB exam books!
Mansfield Musicworx : Mattias and Annie after hours instrumental and vocal music school based at Mansfield State High School
Renee Perrett Violin Studio: Renee’s violin studio in Wishart, next suburb over
Hanson Grindrod – Cassandra, Daniel and Melissa’s string school down Logan (Cornubia ) way
Barefoot Bagpiper: I got my signature hat from Al. His son and mine sometimes duet together, we amplify the violin though …bagpipes are loud!!!
See also my Links Page for resources on self learning and playing all things violin