Our good friend COVID is back in the community, this time the Omnicron variant. I am committed to keeping my workshop open, but have implemented some precautions. These are in line with the regulatory guidelines, as well as to sensably protect friends and loved ones, boths yours and mine!
When you come by please use the COVID Checkin App if you have it. I have a table setup just outside my workshop, so we can interact in an outdoor environment and stay socially distanced with little in the way of inconvenience. On your visit I will put on a mask, use hand wash on my hands and chin ( touch areas to a violin). I’ll wipe down the touch areas of any violin I handle before passing to you or your child, and afterwards as well for the next customer. I will do the same on my card reader and checkout tablet as well. Lets keep each other safe.
Our family has chosen to vaccinate, your choice is yours to make, you are welcome at my workshop.