I’m in a boy band, thats what my mum recons, of course she’s in her seventies and that makes me…ummm yeah well never mind.
I’m the youngest member in my boy band, they all play songs I’ve never heard of …well mostly….. there is Roger Whitaker, Linda Ronstat and some of that modern stuff like Neil Diamond. I joined my boy band a few years back, to diversify my musical experience , I wanted to get away from notes and start feeling the music and improvising more.
My boy band is down at the Mt. Gravatt Mens Shed its a jam group of professional, semi professional and hacks alike (I won’t tell you which category I fall into …it wouldn’t be good for my reputation). Basil keeps us honest leading us from the keyboards.
It grew out of their long running beginner guitar lessons and features guitars, uke, harmonicas, bass, keyboards and a drummer or two (they keep each other in time). On my first visit they tried to get me to learn guitar…I told them old timers I was too old to learn something new 😉
It mostly just jammin’ but we have a few gigs here and there to help with focus. My only worry is gigging at senior citizens association, I’m a bit worried they might throw their underwear at us 😉
(image credit Mt. Gravatt Mens shed newsletter)