I caught up with near neighbour Grant recently, someone who’s been hanging his music shingle out for a bit longer than me ..like 20 years. Grant is an accomplished piano player and teacher…with a pretty full book of students. His real passion I think is composing for which he has quite the setup down his Grub Mountain Music Studio. Grants compositions appear in the current AMEB piano syllabus as well…which is seriously impressive!! He also has a violin tucked away in the corner…talk about multi talented.
I was privileged to be able to hear a little of the Sonata he has been composing for the last little while. Sonatas are classical in form, but you can hear his other influences coming through. We didn’t quite get around to the coffee…sometimes music is more sustaining I think?
Anyway its finally finished and lovely to listen to.
I can’t imagine the journey towards and the process of undertaking such . Here are Grants reflections on the creation process of the Sonata