Hi and welcome to my violin shop and workshop in Brisbane, theres a little peek inside.

Don’t you just love these doors, I didn’t used to have them , but now that I have air conditioning they really help. Also my neighbours don’t have to listen to violin playing all day (actually they say they love it)
This panorama is what passes for my violin showroom, I pack nearly 100 instruments into here. From the economically priced secondhand instruments, new student and fine violins and my restored antiques. I also keep a few electrics on hand as well. I have a cupboard full of shoulder rests, music stands and popular local music books as well. Tucked in some drawers is a modest selection of rosins too and a largish range of better bows (an easy soundupgrade for any instrument)
This is my luthiers bench , where the *ahem* magic happens, be it new instruments being setup (pictured), repairs or restorations. I have most of my common tools within handy reach on the right and a few tucked away beneath. Behind me I have lots of the common parts for replacment on instruments and a resting bend for other works in progress (like bow repairs). Tucked into the corner is my collection of bridges and strimngs and cello parts. Whats that a stove? No its not for a cup of tea, thats where I heat up the special violin glues. Also there is my workhorse Apple computer, where I can binge ‘listen’ as I work, lookup wholesaler catalogues etc…
And here we are tucked away out of site is the sawdust making section of the workshop, drills, mini drills sander, bandsaw and spindle sander and my household DIY stuff as well. All complete with dust extraction for my health and also to control dust as we don’t want that getting on instruments.
Anyway nothing beats visiting in person for the full experience 😉