Violin Rental Brisbane

brisbane violin rental
brisbane violin rentals

I’m quite often contacted by parents about renting an instrument, while its something I don’t do here are some things to think about if your wanting to rent a violin in Brisbane

1. Ask the school first If your child is in a state school (or many private schools) they often offer a first year of learning rental option. I makes good sense because when you child is just getting started you are unsure if they want to continue. After a year though its time to commit.

2. Owning does something special

Once something becomes theirs the chance of an attachment forming is there and they might even name it! Having a violin of ones own means a step up in caring for the instrument and hopefully engagement in the lessons. Its also likely to be a step up from a rental instrument!

2. Rental is messy (for me anyway)

For myself I don’t like to rent as there’s a contract, paperwork, chasing up and the chance a violin will suffer misadventure. Instead I have a churning supply of secondhand instruments from around $150+ that you can buy for not much more that school rental pricing, and I’ll take it as a trade in on the next size up when your ready. (Buy back price is for less so I can service and repair it)

3. Rental options in Brisbane

I do quite a bit of repair work for Perform Music Rentals who have a rent to buy programme, they are on the Northside. Also see the big box specialty string stores around Brisbane

Fiddler Dan