Anyone thats learnt violin that is any good has likely started in the classical tradition. The violin is such a technical instrument that the disciple of classical training really is a must to get the left hand, right hand and expression really happening. If you learn privately or through a school its classical or classical based pedagogy. It leaves you well equipped technically, able to play the standard pieces and read almost any music on sight and play it. (Image: Mark Woods a Juilliard school classically trained violinist who switched to rock)
The challenge is then where to from here, the opportunities apart from those that really excel are there is a few professional orchestras, unlike European where every town/village has at least a sprinkling or orchestras. If you lucky there are a few community orchestras where you can play as well as hymmns on a Sunday (if a church environment works for you) . And so sadly by the time you finish school the violin might go up on the shelf and never come down again.
The great news is that today there is a lot more music than classical music in our culture and with a little work then is some fantastic playing opportunities. By work I mean becoming more musically educationed. We are great copiers of written music, but to embrace other genres we need to understand a bit about how its put together, feel it and express it. This might mean learning a little more music theory, to get a way from melody (thats the domain of vocalists) to harmony, counterpoint and even rhythm as a backing instrument, that does fills, rifts and the occassional solo. Then find a genre that you like to listen too like folk, jazz, blues, rock, country, worship or somewhere in between. Then start hunting for playing opportunities, it might be a sit down with a pal that plays guitar or keyboard and see where it takes you, there are lots of bands and music groups out in the community when you are ready . You’ll have to embrace the terror that is jammin’, iterate towards what works if you don’t find it straight away. Finally be warned you will suck….but over time you will suck less.
See my links page for some resources listening, educational and playing resources to get you going.