New violins can be expensive, and for the most part they don’t wear out and represent a sound investment, so why buy a second hand violin aka a preloved instrument
Firstly its easier on the pocket, as soon as something walk out the door of a shop its already dropped in value. So if you can pick on up in great condition you are getting the same thing, but for less money
Secondly Violins can age really well, the timbers in them continue to season over the years and so an aged instrument will likely sound better. It sounds better because the moisture comes out of the tonewood gradually and allows more favourable resonance. For new student violins, the timbers haven’t been aged all that long , just a few years, where as the more expensive instruments have been aged 10, 20 or even 30 years. A secondhand instruments timbers are aging and so improving all the time
Thirdly its not bad for the environment, especially as your child is growing there is no need to have a cupboard of violins of sizes that no longer fit. If you use a preloved instrument, your saving another tree from being chopped down
Forthly, violins are all about history, and while your secondhand instrument is unlikely to be a Strad, Amarti or Guarneri in quality or age you might wonder to yourself how many concerts has your violin played in?
Check out my preloved violins…you might find something you like.
Having said that there is nothing quite like a new violin under the XMAS tree or when a student moves up a size as something really special. Check out my new violins, I have chosen these for sound (though they look great), but without the brand so the prices are quite reasonable.
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