From $300-$3000 I am pleased to supply a modest range of new violin instruments from 1/2 to 4/4 sizes and also viola and cello. These are selected to match the stage of most players as they develop with sound quality that matches the stage of learning. I’m committed to providing violins that are right for your stage of learning and with your budget in mind. I won’t oversell you something fancy that you won’t get the benefit from (some advanced instruments, strings and bow packages are actually less forgiving for a beginner player for example).
Scroll down to see some of the models I stock including student, intermediate and advanced Antique and new European violins. Click for accompanying information and sound samples. I don’t carry them all at one time, they depend on availability and best value at the time for you!
The 1/2 size I carry are beginner instruments for around ($280) which are a good match for early learners, not to hard on the pocket and Ok on the ear. For 3/4 I recommend a most upgrade to a $300 instrument. Whereas the full size 4/4 are of a much higher quality (~$500) to reflect the stage of the student, these made with quality tone woods on top and well seasoned (and flamed maple) back and sides with ebony accoutrements (pegs, finger board, chin rest and tail piece), sturdy case and student bow. They don’ have a fancy European brand or reputation (though the Hindersine is a European brand I carry) but sound just as good (listen for yourself). These violins are what many music shops are actually selling under their brand, or more well known brands.
I’ve sourced threse instruments with sound quality, rather than purely looks in mind, so the cases are usually entry level and the finish is the tougher matt finish rather than layered lacquer (lacquer takes many layer of application with weeks between coats, so really adds to the cost, with minimal influence on sound). The Hidersines are a match of quality and looks as you would expect on a more advanced instrument though.
This is a good starter instrument with ebony fitting, quality self adjusters and long lasting strings that aren’t too tinny). See also my Enrico Student plus 1/2 size

Enrico Student Plus (~$275)and Enrico Student Extra (~$350)
Enrico are a mainstay recommended by teachers the entry level is a solid performer and the Extra adds a little more zing!
Raggetti RV2 and RV5 ($350+)
These violins are a step up from the others out the the RV2 is an entry level instrument and the RV5 next level. Lately i have been carrying the RV7 for around $700 that is fabulous value for money and really clear and clean sounding. I usually have one or two of their master level violins as well. These are faithful reproduction of some of the most famous instruments and have an amazing tone for the price (instrument only around $1500)
Montanari ViVo Neo Plus (3/4) ($289)
A step up from the Vivo Neo, with a hand carved top plate this violin is about right for those transitioning to a 3/4 instrument…and with a later strings upgrade will continue to improve. You’ll often see this model rebranded at specialty strings stores too!

Montanari Vivo Elite ($500) (4/4 size and 3/4)
One of the violins I carry are the Vivo Elites’s, previously known as the Montanari. They are full flame back and sides, I fit them with quality strings (either Thomastik Alphas or Pirastro Tonica’s), which are about right for this level of instrument and player, rather than the factory strings they come with (they are not bad and good to keep as a spare set).

Kreisler 101 ($475) (4/4 size and 3/4)
I also like the Kreislers, they have a bit more of a gloss finish and have a greater projection. Fitted with either Pirastro Piranito or Tonica. They come with a more supple bow, which will suit a beginner growing into the instrument.

This is a well know European brand, (though mostly made in China now…like everything else), they have a Vivente and Reserve series of violin that are lovely and feature the traditional antique oil finish. I like the Venezia Violin (HWV100) model, for $1200 you get great bang for your buck with tone, projection and quality woods that will develop wonderfully over time. I don’t carry these but can get them in for you in under a week usually or under consignment if you want to try. (They have a reserve series stretching up to ~$2k if you are interested in a truly one of a kind instruments with classic antiqued finish)

Vintage and Antique instruments (from $800)
One of the great joys in my workshop is restoring old instruments and making them available to be played again. There might be grandma’s old fiddle, or others I come across in my travels. in general these are good quality workshop violins from Europe and are surprisingly affordable. They will be the marks of a life well lived and have deep full tones to match!
Alois Sandner German Violin ($2k+)
You asked for it, something special that is new and a full European Violin. The Alois Sandner violins are 4th generation instruments with powerful sound, rich full bodied tone and setup to really allow them to speak well